Support for Male Victims: Ministry Offers Services for Domestic Violence
Human Development News

Support for Male Victims: Ministry Offers Services for Domestic Violence

By Fabiana Mcklmon

The Ministry of Human Services and Social Security’s Sexual Crimes and Domestic Violence Policy Unit continues to extend services and support to male victims of domestic violence.

Dr. Cona Husbands, the Unit’s Manager, urges men to reach out to the ministry to access these essential services.

Domestic violence against men encompasses various forms of abuse within domestic settings, such as marriage or cohabitation.

Dr. Husbands highlights the different manifestations of violence, including emotional, verbal, and financial abuse, emphasizing the importance of recognizing these forms of abuse.

Emotional abuse may involve ridicule or threats to masculinity, while verbal abuse includes threatening language aimed at breaking down and controlling individuals.

Financial abuse can involve the control or misappropriation of earnings, leaving victims feeling powerless.

Dr. Husbands also addresses the stigma surrounding sexual abuse against men, acknowledging the challenges in addressing this issue within society.

The ministry is committed to combating stigma and providing quality services to both male and female victims.

The ministry offers a range of services, including counseling and legal assistance, free of charge.

Dr. Husbands emphasizes that these services are available to both men and women, highlighting the ministry’s commitment to supporting all victims of domestic violence.

In 2023 alone, 500 cases of domestic violence against men were registered and addressed by the ministry.

Dr. Husbands urges the public to continue raising awareness and supporting male victims of domestic violence.