Human Development News

Youth Leaders Praise Budget 2024 for Growth, Sustainability, and Inclusivity

Youths weigh in on Budget 2024

Budget 2024 in Guyana has garnered praise from youth leaders who consider it a phenomenal fiscal plan with a strong focus on growth, sustainability, and inclusivity.

The strategic investments outlined for the development of youth, culture, and marginalized communities have been particularly commended.

Ellen Gopaul, President of the Youth Action Network- US Embassy, highlighted the positive aspects of the budget, including the allocation of 2.7 billion dollars for the culture and arts sector and 1.1 billion for youth initiatives.

She emphasized the provisions made for marginalized groups, women, girls, persons with disabilities, and underprivileged communities, seeing these initiatives as contributors to long-term growth.

Matthew Gaul, Founder of the Common Cent$ Financial Literacy Podcast, praised the allocations for infrastructure and social sectors.

While acknowledging these provisions, he called for accountability and urged the public to assess the government’s performance against the budget projections in December.

The youth leaders also advocated for salary increases for teachers and public servants, training programs for participants in part-time job initiatives, enhanced education, and improved access to finance for small business owners.

The positive reception of Budget 2024 by youth leaders reflects the perceived alignment of the fiscal plan with the aspirations and needs of the younger population, emphasizing sustainable growth and inclusivity.

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