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USAID and CARICOM Pledge to Strengthen Partnership for a Safe and Prosperous Guyana

US Ambassador to Guyana, Nicole Theriot (left), USAID Eastern and Southern Caribbean Regional representative Mervyn Farroe (center) and CARICOM Secretary General Carla Barnett at the reception. (Photo: News Room)

In a joint commitment to enhance their partnership, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) celebrated their collaboration at a reception themed “Neighbours, partners, friends: Spotlight on Guyana” at the Marriott Hotel.

The focus of the partnership is to contribute to the building of a secure and prosperous future for Guyana.

Nicole Theriot, the US Ambassador to Guyana, emphasized the substantial impact of USAID’s work in collaboration with CARICOM, addressing key issues such as security, climate resilience, food security, and citizens’ well-being.

She highlighted the tangible difference the partnership has made in areas like citizen security, juvenile justice, and agriculture.

Ambassador Theriot expressed optimism about the future, stating that continued collaboration and strengthening of the partnership would enable overcoming challenges and fostering a better future for all involved parties.

Dr. Carla Barnett, Secretary General of CARICOM, commended the programs launched and completed through the partnership, anticipating further initiatives that would benefit the people.

She highlighted specific areas of focus, including agriculture, food and nutrition security, and information and communication technology (ICT), which CARICOM heads of governments have identified as priorities to deepen integration and enhance economic and social resilience.

Since the inception of their partnership, CARICOM and USAID have collaborated on various initiatives, including the US-Caribbean Partnership to Address the Climate Crisis 2030 and the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative.

The reception provided an opportunity for key representatives, including US Ambassador Nicole Theriot, USAID Eastern and Southern Caribbean Regional representative Mervyn Farroe, and CARICOM Secretary General Carla Barnett, to come together and celebrate the successes of their partnership.

Reported by Josiah Williams for NCN News

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