The Return of GuyExpo: Exhibitors Anticipate Growth Opportunities
Business and Economy Local Development News

The Return of GuyExpo: Exhibitors Anticipate Growth Opportunities

GuyExpo, a significant event for exhibitors, has made a welcome return, offering a platform for businesses to showcase their goods and services while providing valuable opportunities for growth.

The expo, which opened on Thursday evening, featured around 250 booths, signifying a robust turnout and enthusiasm from participants.

For exhibitors, the resurgence of GuyExpo is not only a chance for them to present their offerings but also a means of contributing to national development.

Kenny Valladares, Administrative Officer at GMSTCI, expressed delight at the return of the event, considering it a wonderful opportunity to showcase Guyana’s capabilities, especially with the country’s entry into the oil industry.

He sees the event as a chance for various industries to expand and invest, presenting a unique opportunity to exhibit what Guyana can offer.

Jessica Bacchus, a representative from the Ministry of Home Affairs, highlighted the significance of Guyanese having the chance to reintroduce themselves and their services.

She emphasized the initiative as a great way for people to reconnect after an extended period of being homebound.

Marlon Anderson, representing Texila American University, commended the government and its partners for bringing back GuyExpo in full swing after six years.

He sees the event as a positive development, bringing together the public sector and private businesses.

Vikash Boodhoo, Regional Cooperated Development Officer at the Ministry of Labor, emphasized the importance of showcasing the ministry’s services, making it known to the population for their benefit.

Ramona Bentinck Mackenzie, a representative from Wooden Words, expressed positivity about the ongoing event, expecting more positive outcomes as the days progress.

GuyExpo, continuing daily until Sunday, November 19, at the National Exhibition Centre in Sophia, Georgetown, marks its return after a hiatus since 2016.

The revival of this event is expected to particularly boost small and medium-sized businesses, offering them new clientele and networking opportunities.