Street Crimes Persist Despite Reduction in Serious Offenses

Street Crimes Persist Despite Reduction in Serious Offenses

While Division 4A reports a notable decrease in severe criminal incidents, concerns persist regarding street-level offenses, according to Divisional Commander 4A, Assistant Commissioner Simon McBean.

In an exclusive interview with NCN News, Commander McBean revealed that the division has achieved yet another reduction in the third quarter of the year, amounting to a commendable 33%.

However, he expressed worry over the prevalence of street crimes, particularly during late afternoons and evenings.

Fridays witness the highest frequency, followed closely by Thursdays and Wednesdays.

McBean explained, “57% of all our serious crimes are street crimes.

By street crimes, I refer to robbery under arms and larceny from the person.”

He further noted that the peak hours for these incidents range between 7 PM and midnight.

In response to this challenge, Assistant Commissioner McBean has redirected available resources to focus on the specific areas where street crimes are most rampant.

He elaborated, “Based on this analysis, we have increased our evening patrols to address these issues.”

McBean emphasized that the Stabroek market and Sophia are the two primary areas with high incidences of crime. Efforts have been made to augment police presence in these locations and to suppress criminal activities.

Additionally, McBean highlighted that firearms and knives are the primary weapons used in robberies, with mobile phones emerging as the most commonly targeted items in street crimes.

As the division addresses these concerns, the proactive measures taken by law enforcement reflect a commitment to public safety and the ongoing efforts to maintain a secure environment.

Nakasia Logan, NCN News