Small Business Bureau Distributes Over 300 Grants in Region Four
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Small Business Bureau Distributes Over 300 Grants in Region Four

The Small Business Bureau in Guyana is actively addressing the backlog of applications for small business grants.

In a recent distribution event in Region Four, over 350 grants were provided to small business owners across various sectors, including agriculture and business solutions.

Recipients expressed gratitude for the timely assistance, considering it a positive initiative by the government to support and uplift small businesses.

One recipient, Hematie Dookie, conveyed appreciation, stating, “I feel great about it. It is a very good initiative by the government so we can bring up our small businesses, and we thank the government for everything.”

For some beneficiaries, the grants come after a waiting period of several years since filing their applications.

Nafeezah Nurse, another grant recipient, mentioned, “I had honestly forgotten about it, so when they called, I was very grateful for it. I got $200,000.”

The distribution event in Region Four saw a significant number of small business owners benefiting from the grants, and the Small Business Bureau aims to continue such initiatives to support entrepreneurs.

Applicants in Region 6 are expected to receive their grants in a forthcoming distribution event on Friday.

The grants play a crucial role in providing financial support to small businesses, contributing to their growth and sustainability.

As the Small Business Bureau works on clearing the backlog, these distributions align with the government’s efforts to empower and strengthen the small business sector in Guyana.