
Queens College Inaugurates $103 Million Annex for Over 200 CAPE Students

In a momentous occasion, Queens College unveiled its state-of-the-art Doodnauth Hetram Sixth Form Block, a remarkable structure valued at $103 million.

The newly commissioned annex is poised to cater to the educational needs of over 200 Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) students.

This L-shaped, two-story building boasts eight spacious classrooms and stands as a testament to the institution’s commitment to providing cutting-edge learning environments.

The project, initiated with the signing of a contract in June 2022, was completed in time for the commencement of the new school year.

The annex, named in honor of the esteemed former headmaster Mr. Doodnauth Hetram, who devoted 19 years of service to the institution, reflects a legacy of excellence and dedication to education.

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand, graced the commissioning ceremony with her presence.

Addressing the students, she emphasized the transformative potential of education and encouraged them to envision their roles in advancing the nation’s development.

This significant expansion of the college’s facilities was prompted by the escalating demand for CAPE studies, a testament to the institution’s enduring commitment to academic excellence. With a current enrollment exceeding 900 students, Queens College stands as a beacon of educational achievement.

The inauguration of the Doodnauth Hetram Sixth Form Block not only signifies a major milestone for Queens College but also reinforces its unwavering dedication to providing top-tier education for the nation’s youth.

Reported by Josiah Williams, NCN News

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