Prime Minister Urges CXC to Meet Global Challenges at 2023 Regional Awards Ceremony
Human Development News

Prime Minister Urges CXC to Meet Global Challenges at 2023 Regional Awards Ceremony

Brigadier (Ret’d) Mark Phillips, the Prime Minister of Guyana, issued a challenge to the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) during the 2023 Regional Awards Ceremony held at the National Cultural Centre.

The event honored top Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) students.

Prime Minister Phillips emphasized the need for a paradigm shift in the Caribbean to enhance global competitiveness.

He urged CXC to reposition itself as a hub of talent and knowledge, fostering collaboration with regional governments to create an educational ecosystem with a distinctive international niche.

In his address, Prime Minister Phillips highlighted the government of Guyana’s commitment to supporting the work of the CXC.

The ceremony also recognized outstanding achievements in various categories:

  • Alex Muntaz: Anna Regina Secondary School (CSEC – Overall Outstanding Achievement, Most Outstanding in Technical/Vocational)
  • Siddiq Gafar: I.S.A…Islamic School (CSEC – Most Outstanding in Business)
  • Naila Rahaman: Guyana Queen’s College (CSEC – Most Outstanding in Humanities)
  • Abigail Stephanas: Queen’s College (CSEC – Most Outstanding in Sciences)
  • Naresh Jagnanan: Queen’s College (CAPE – Overall Outstanding Achievement, Most Outstanding in Business Studies – ACCA Award)

The Prime Minister’s call for adapting to global challenges reflects the ongoing efforts to enhance education and competitiveness in the Caribbean.