Human Development News

Preventing Chronic Diseases Through Lifestyle Changes

Preventing Chronic Diseases

In tonight’s NCN Health report, sponsored by Essential Care Pharmacy and GTM Insurance, we are focusing on the prevention of chronic diseases.

Chronic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus, chronic respiratory diseases, and cancers, are lifelong conditions that are generally progressive and not infectious.

While medications cannot prevent or cure these conditions, simple lifestyle changes can effectively manage them.

Dr. Grace White emphasizes that chronic non-communicable diseases (NCDs) have become a pandemic, leading to premature death and disability, especially in the Americas.

Contrary to common perception, these diseases are increasingly diagnosed in younger individuals, highlighting the importance of proactive prevention strategies.

Unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and genetic factors are identified as key risk factors associated with chronic NCDs.

Dr. White advises individuals to educate themselves about their conditions, stay engaged with healthcare providers, and actively participate in clinics rather than relying solely on medications.

By making healthy lifestyle choices, individuals can significantly reduce their risk of developing chronic diseases and improve their overall quality of life.

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