
Presidential Commission of Inquiry into Mahdia Dorm Fire Nears Completion

The Presidential Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the tragic May 21 Mahdia Dorm Fire is making significant progress and is on track to deliver its preliminary report to President Irfaan Ali by November 30.

Attorney at Law Keoma Griffith, who conducted the investigation, expressed confidence in meeting the deadline during a recent COI sitting.

Over the course of several months, the COI has heard testimonies from 29 individuals, including government officials, dorm caretakers, and security personnel.

Attorney Keoma Griffith, in his recent presentation, highlighted crucial findings related to the conditions of the Mahdia female and male dorms leading up to the tragic incident.

Griffith’s report emphasized that the dormitories lacked adequate fire prevention mechanisms, and their condition was suboptimal.

Disturbingly, despite being flagged as high risk for fires in February, no corrective actions were taken to address the deficiencies.

Notably, the Officer in Command of the Mahdia Fire Station, Ryan Scott, received commendation for his diligent efforts both before and during the tragic night.

Griffith acknowledged Scott’s exemplary conduct and urged the COI to scrutinize the actions of several government officials who may not have fulfilled their duties in preventing the disaster.

Among the officials under scrutiny are Chief Fire Officer Gregory Wickham and Former Regional Education Officer of Region 8, Annesta Douglas.

Both individuals allegedly took no action to equip the Mahdia School, dorms, and fire station to handle fires, despite being informed of the facilities’ inadequacies through a report.

Griffith emphasized the need for a thorough examination of the conduct of government officials and their responsiveness to reports highlighting potential risks.

The findings from this investigation will inform the COI’s recommendations and strategies aimed at preventing any recurrence of such tragic events.

With the COI’s report expected by November 30, the nation awaits the comprehensive insights that will shape future preventive measures and safety protocols.

Reported by Trichell Sobers for NCN News

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