Human Development News One Guyana

President Ali Mandates Spanish Language Training for New GDF Recruits

President Dr. Irfaan Ali

In a significant development, President Irfaan Ali, who serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, has issued a mandate requiring all new recruits to the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) to learn Spanish. This directive was announced as the President presented 21 new officers with their instruments of commission during a ceremony at State House.

The 21 officers, now part of the Guyana Defence Force, took an oath to support the state against all enemies, honor and uphold the constitution of Guyana, and maintain discipline while ensuring the effective operation of the force.

During the ceremony, President Dr. Irfaan Ali reminded the officers of their legal obligations to the nation and its citizens. He emphasized the importance of using their roles as military ranks to build their character and faithfully fulfill their duties to the nation and its people.

In alignment with Guyana’s development goals and commitment to high standards, the President outlined a comprehensive training program for the new officers. This program includes one year of educational advancement, underscoring the government’s dedication to preparing its military personnel to meet the evolving challenges of the modern world.

As part of their training, the officers will spend six weeks at the Foreign Service Institute to gain knowledge of Guyana’s foreign policy, diplomacy, and their connection to defense. Additionally, they will devote an additional six weeks to studying the fundamentals of strategic studies at the University of Guyana, among other areas of study.

In a move to enhance their effectiveness and versatility, the officers will also be required to attain proficiency in the Spanish language. This language training will enable them to better serve Spanish-speaking nationals and contribute to the nation’s diplomatic and security efforts.

This mandate reflects Guyana’s commitment to equipping its military personnel with the skills and knowledge necessary to address contemporary challenges and contribute effectively to the nation’s defense and diplomatic endeavors.

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