Local Development News

Outstanding Police Officers Honored in Region 10

Outstanding Police Honoured in Region 10

The exemplary performance and dedication of police officers in Division Ten were recently celebrated at the division’s annual awards ceremony.

Over 40 ranks, including members of Community Policing Groups, police officers, members of station management committees, and the Road Safety Committee, were recognized for their outstanding contributions and hard work throughout the year 2023.

Constable 24925 Moore was acknowledged as the region’s best police officer, with Lance Corporal 20321 Benjamin receiving the runner-up prize.

Inspector Barkoye was honored as the Sportsman of the Year, and Corporal Fiedtkou received the award for Sportswoman of the Year.

The awardees were presented with monetary incentives, trophies, and plaques in recognition of their exceptional service.

During the awards ceremony, Divisional Commander Guy Nurse extended New Year greetings and expressed the division’s commitment to enhancing efforts to maintain law and order in the region.

He emphasized the importance of citizens’ cooperation and encouraged a collective effort to reduce crimes.

Commander Nurse also reinforced the call for road safety, urging people to be mindful when using roadways.

He emphasized the division’s commitment to ensuring the safety of the community and promoting responsible road use.

The luncheon and award ceremony took place at Philius Banquet Hall in Amelia’s Ward, providing a festive and appreciative atmosphere for the outstanding police officers.

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