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Opposition Leader Defiant, Stands by Offensive Statement Against First Lady Despite ERC’s Concerns

Opposition Leader, Aubrey Norton

Opposition Leader Aubrey Norton has launched a strong defense of his offensive statement against First Lady Arya Ali and has dismissed concerns raised by the Ethnic Relations Commission (ERC) regarding his remarks.

Earlier this month, the ERC wrote to Aubrey Norton after reviewing a video recording of a public meeting where he made degrading comments about the First Lady.

The Commission found his comments to be unnecessary, demeaning, and provoking, not in line with the esteemed Office of the Opposition Leader.

However, during a meeting at Stabroek Square on Sunday, Norton stood by his previous remarks and openly defied the ERC’s concerns, stating that he did not care about their opinion.

The ERC, as an independent body responsible for promoting harmony and peaceful coexistence in Guyana, aims to foster an environment of mutual respect and understanding among diverse ethnic groups.

Its role in maintaining a harmonious social fabric and promoting inclusivity throughout the nation is crucial.

Despite the ERC’s reprimand, Norton’s refusal to acknowledge the concerns raised reflects a lack of regard for promoting respect and responsible behavior during public discourses.

The ERC’s mandate to address matters related to ethnic relations underscores the importance of fostering a peaceful and harmonious society.

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