Ogle Cricket Club Ground Set for $10 Million Upgrade

Ogle Cricket Club Ground Set for $10 Million Upgrade

The Ogle Cricket Club Ground, located on the East Coast of Demerara, is poised for a substantial infrastructural overhaul, with a budget of $10 million earmarked for the project. Minister of Sport, Charles Ramson Jr., unveiled this initiative during his inspection of the ground on Tuesday evening.

One of the chief objectives of this upgrade is to address the current state of the ground, which presently consists of a mix of cement and stones, rendering it unsuitable for sporting activities. Minister Ramson stressed that machinery will be mobilized to level the outfield, and enhancements will be made to the parking lot and the perimeter fence surrounding the ground.

Since taking office in August 2020, the government has injected billions of dollars into the sports sector, resulting in several sporting facilities already benefiting from upgrades. These improvements are collectively geared towards establishing modern, well-equipped sporting venues that will cater to the needs of both athletes and spectators.

A day earlier, Minister Ramson conducted a similar exercise at the Better Hope Community Centre Ground. The equipment used there will also be employed to carry out the upgrade works at the Ogle Community Centre Ground.

Reported by Leeron Brumell for NCN News.