
New Wing Commissioned at The Bishops’ High School

The Bishops’ High School celebrated a significant milestone with the commissioning of a new wing, dedicated to the school’s former headteacher, Mrs. Maureen Massiah.

The event was marked by a sense of honor and gratitude for the contributions of Mrs. Massiah, who served as headteacher from 1987 to 2002.

The decision to name the new wing after Mrs. Massiah was a fitting tribute to her influential role in the school’s history. The Maureen Massiah Wing is a substantial addition to the school’s infrastructure, featuring eight classrooms, a laboratory, and an upgraded cafeteria area, all designed to enhance the learning environment for students.

Mrs. Massiah expressed her gratitude for the recognition, stating, “Today I consider it a distinct privilege and an honor to have recognition of my service here at this illustrious institution, the Bishops’ High School. I just want to say thank you. This is totally unexpected and well appreciated.”

Education Minister Priya Manickchand emphasized the importance of this investment, highlighting its role in accommodating the student population and fostering increased human resource capabilities. She expressed her hope that the new building would nurture students who can contribute to the development of Guyana and compete on a global scale.

The journey to the completion of the Maureen Massiah Wing began with consultations in August 2021 and culminated in the signing of a $95.4 million contract for construction in July 2022. Remarkably, the new building was completed within just 11 months.

The commissioning of this new wing represents a significant step forward for The Bishops’ High School, reflecting its commitment to providing a conducive and modern learning environment for its students.

Reporter: Delicia Janneire, NCN News

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