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National Track & Field Center to Receive Warm-Up Track in 2024

The national track and field center at Edinburg is set for further improvements as plans are underway to build a warm-up track, according to Minister of Culture, Youth, and Sport Charles Ramson Junior.

The facility, commissioned in 2015, has been a vital hub for local and international track and field events.

The upcoming warm-up track aims to better equip the stadium for both local and international competitions.

Minister Ramson highlighted that the lack of a warm-up track, promised in 2017 but not realized under the previous government, will be addressed in 2024.

The ministry has already sourced the materials needed for the project.

In the previous year, the ministry completed the resurfacing of the 400-meter track at the National Track and Field Center (NTFC), costing 77 million dollars.

Additionally, a rubberized track was laid at the newly developed facility in Bayrock, Linden, by the German contracting firm BSW Regopul.

Minister Ramson mentioned that the timeline for installing the rubber track, estimated to cost around 20 million dollars, depends on the availability of experts in synthetic materials.

The ministry has also acquired seats for the stands at the national track and field center and constructed a new tarmac to facilitate hosting more events.

The NTFC has been a venue for various competitions, including the Aliann Pompey meet, which serves as an Olympic qualification.

Despite being canceled in recent years due to COVID-19 and track resurfacing, the facility continues to host national championships and other invitational meets.

[Travis Seymour, Reporting for NCN News]

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