News One Guyana

Mommy and Me Foundation Provides Essential Maternity Bags to Expectant Mothers

In a heartwarming initiative, over 130 expectant mothers from Soesdyke, Craig, and West Ruimveldt Health Clinics received essential maternity bags from the Mommy and Me Foundation.

This generous effort is led by Jean Nurse, a US-based Guyanese with a strong desire to support mothers in need.

Nurse explained that her charity, the “Mommy and Me Foundation,” was inspired by her parents’ charitable spirit.

The foundation, which initially started in 2014, resumed operations after a three-year hiatus.

The maternity bags are thoughtfully curated to include baby essentials such as blankets, bottles, and clothing for the first six months, along with personal items for the mothers.

Nurse expressed her gratitude for being able to provide these maternity bags to mothers in various regions.

She recalled an especially moving experience when mothers in Wakenaam walked three miles to receive the bags, demonstrating their deep appreciation.

This charitable act not only provides essential items for new mothers but also serves as a testament to the power of community and support during this significant phase of life.

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