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MOA Celebrates International Fisherfolk Day with a Focus on Aquaculture Development

The Ministry of Agriculture (MOA) recently observed International Fisherfolk Day, placing a strong emphasis on the development of aquaculture.

The government is actively working towards securing markets for fish and fish products in Barbados, Trinidad & Tobago, and Eastern Caribbean countries. This important announcement was made to Guyanese fisherfolk during the observance on Friday.

Recognizing the existing challenges in the fisheries sector, the subject Minister, Zulfikar Mustapha emphasized that fisherfolk cannot solely depend on ocean catches for their livelihoods.

Minister of Agriculture,
Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha

Last year, local fisherfolk produced just over 33,500 metric tonnes of seafood, and considering the increasing demand for fish and fish products both locally and internationally, the minister urged fisherfolk to embrace aquaculture, which is experiencing rapid development.

To support the government’s investments in this area, ongoing discussions are taking place in the Caribbean to explore new markets.

The observance of National Fisherfolk Day was held under the theme ‘One Ocean, One Planet, One Plate: Improving Aquatic Food Standards & Ocean Health.’ This theme underscores the importance of maintaining high standards in aquatic food production while ensuring the preservation and health of our oceans.

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