Ministry Receives IT Equipment to Combat Gender-Based Violence
Human Development Local Development News

Ministry Receives IT Equipment to Combat Gender-Based Violence

The Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Dr. Vindhya Persaud, emphasized the importance of data collection in combating Gender-Based Violence (GBV) during the handover of Information Technology equipment from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Tracy provides the details.

The equipment, including computers, tablets, headsets, speakers, and printers, donated under the Spotlight Initiative, was handed over to Minister Persaud at the Lusignan Hope and Justice Centre on the East Coast of Demerara.

Dr. Persaud highlighted that these resources would facilitate the collection of data on GBV cases involving victims and perpetrators, crucial for developing effective strategies to address the issue.

Acknowledging the UNDP’s steadfast support in the fight against GBV and other social issues, Minister Persaud emphasized the government’s commitment to continue implementing projects targeting GBV and other societal challenges.

Despite the conclusion of the Spotlight Initiative last year, the Ministry is actively pursuing initiatives to combat GBV, including the establishment of two new Hope and Justice centers in Regions One and Three.

Additionally, rehabilitation programs for perpetrators of GBV will be rolled out to address the root causes of violence.

In collaboration with the UNDP, the Ministry aims to enhance the effectiveness of its programs and policies by creating a comprehensive database for GBV.

UNDP Resident Representative for Guyana and Suriname, Gerardo Noto, affirmed their commitment to improving and expanding capabilities to produce, analyze, and generate data on GBV, ensuring informed decision-making and targeted interventions.

As efforts to combat GBV intensify, the partnership between the Ministry and the UNDP signifies a concerted effort to address this pressing issue and create a safer and more inclusive society for all.

By Tracy Liverpool