Ministry of Public Works Signs 3.3 Billion Hinterland Road Contracts
Human Development Local Development News One Guyana

Ministry of Public Works Signs 3.3 Billion Hinterland Road Contracts

The Ministry of Public Works has signed contracts worth 3.3 billion dollars for the development of hinterland roads in Regions 1, 8, and 9. The signed projects, totaling 282.3 kilometers in length, aim to improve infrastructure in communities such as Kwebana, Mabaruma, and others.

Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill, addressed the contractors during the signing ceremony, emphasizing the importance of quality work. He cautioned against any lax or indifferent attitudes, stressing that citizens are vigilant and expect responsible and diligent execution of these projects.

Minister Edghill conveyed the government’s expectation that contractors treat people with respect, especially those from the communities where the projects are taking place. He warned against shoddy work and emphasized the government’s commitment to holding errant contractors accountable.

The road projects are set to benefit communities like Kwebana and Mabaruma, with developments including both concrete and laterite thoroughfares. Minister Edghill highlighted specific areas where work will commence, addressing community requests for improvement.

The contracts span a duration ranging from six months to one year, and Minister Edghill reiterated that these initiatives align with the infrastructural development promises outlined in the PPPC 2020 Manifesto.

The Ministry of Public Works continues to invest in improving the country’s infrastructure, underscoring the government’s commitment to enhancing connectivity and accessibility in the hinterland regions.

Reported by Nakasia for NCN News