Ministry of Labour Intensifies Occupational Health and Safety Training to Reduce Workplace Fatalities
Human Development News

Ministry of Labour Intensifies Occupational Health and Safety Training to Reduce Workplace Fatalities

In an effort to combat the alarming trend of workplace fatalities, the Ministry of Labour is set to enhance Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) training, particularly targeting the Mining and Construction Sectors.

The announcement was made by the Minister of Labour during the ministry’s End of Year Press Conference at its Brickdam Office.

The Ministry has observed a concerning rise in workplace fatalities, with 20 reported cases in 2023, primarily concentrated in the Mining and Construction Sectors.

Although there was a marginal decrease compared to 2022, the Minister emphasized the distressing toll each fatality takes on families and communities.

Minister Hamilton underscored the importance of viewing each fatality as a person, not just a statistic, expressing a commitment to reducing workplace fatalities to zero.

Joint technical agencies and partnerships with both private and public sectors have been established to address this issue comprehensively.

In response to the elevated fatality rate in the Mining Industry, the Ministry plans to implement a specialized training program in collaboration with key partners.

This initiative aims to provide miners with essential First Aid Training to better handle on-site emergencies.

Minister Hamilton acknowledged the challenge posed by entrenched attitudes in the industry and emphasized the need for a cultural shift.

Miners often face risks for the sake of yield, and the Minister urged a change in mindset to prioritize safety over immediate gains.

The Ministry’s comprehensive approach to ramping up safety training reflects its dedication to preserving lives and fostering a safer work environment across various industries.

The initiative aims for zero workplace fatalities, demonstrating the Ministry’s unwavering commitment to ensuring the well-being of workers.