
Ministry of Education Engages in Ongoing Talks with GTU

Minister of Education, Priya Manickchand

Discussions between the Ministry of Education and the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) are ongoing, with the matter of wages and salaries to be addressed separately. Minister Priya Manickchand provided this update to the local press during an event on Monday.

The GTU has consistently advocated for an increase in teachers’ salaries in line with their proposal for salary and non-salary benefits.

Education Minister Priya Manickchand has clarified that while her ministry is actively engaging with the union, the issue of salaries will be managed by the Office of the President.

This approach aligns with President Dr. Irfaan Ali’s plan to conduct nationwide consultations with teachers before finalizing a new wage agreement.

Asked whether the GTU will be involved in these consultations, given its role as the representative body for a significant portion of the country’s teachers, the minister stated that discussions are ongoing.

The last multiyear agreement between the union and any government was signed in 2018, covering the period from 2016 to 2018.

The PPP/C government has previously expressed concerns about the union’s perceived political bias and its ability to truly represent the needs of teachers. In light of this, the President emphasized his intention, on July 12, to directly engage with teachers to better understand their perspectives.

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