Ministers Spread Christmas Cheer to Thousands of Children in Regions 5 and 6
Human Development News

Ministers Spread Christmas Cheer to Thousands of Children in Regions 5 and 6

Close to 4,000 children from regions five and six were recipients of Christmas joy over the weekend as government ministers embarked on a mission to bring smiles to the faces of children during the festive season.

Minister of Agriculture, Zulfikar Mustapha, visited various communities across Region Six, meeting with over three thousand children and distributing toys and other goodies for the holiday season.

This annual tradition aims to brighten the spirits of children during Christmas.

Minister Mustapha expressed the government’s commitment to ensuring every child enjoys the festive season, receiving gifts and celebrating.

He emphasized the importance of giving and sharing, noting that the efforts contribute to a brighter future for the nation’s children.

Highlighting the increased investment in the education of the nation’s children, Minister Mustapha explained that initiatives like the toy drive demonstrate appreciation and help children celebrate the holidays.

In a separate initiative, Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh spread Christmas cheer among approximately 250 children in Moraikobai, up the Mahaicony Creek, on Sunday.

The Toshao, Derrick John, expressed gratitude on behalf of the residents for the government’s thoughtful initiative.

This widespread effort by government ministers reflects a commitment to bringing joy to children across the country and fostering a positive atmosphere during the Christmas season.