Minister Sukhai Highlights Government Progress in Parfaite Harmonie
Human Development Local Development News

Minister Sukhai Highlights Government Progress in Parfaite Harmonie

By Samuel Gillis

Minister of Amerindian Affairs, Pauline Sukhai, brought a message of government accomplishments and ongoing initiatives to the residents of Region Three during her visit to Parfaite Harmonie.

During her visit, Minister Sukhai emphasized the government’s commitment to unity and inclusivity, aiming to build Guyana on the foundation of diversity and harmony.

“Our people, whichever ethnic group you come from, whichever religious background you practice or religious denomination, and culture and traditions, [the president] wants to make sure that all of these are put into a melting pot to build a single Guyanese nation,” Minister Sukhai stated, reflecting on the president’s philosophy.

She highlighted the government’s people-centered agenda, emphasizing that this focus extends beyond the coast to include the hinterland regions.

In this context, she provided an update on the long-awaited Linden to Lethem road project, revealing significant progress with over 33 modern concrete bridges completed beyond Mabura.

Residents expressed gratitude for the development initiatives in Region Three, particularly noting the government’s decision to double the old age pension from 18 thousand to 36 thousand dollars.

One resident, in particular, voiced appreciation for the tangible improvements, acknowledging the government’s efforts to enhance their well-being.

As Minister Sukhai engaged with the residents, discussions centered on the strides made by the government and the positive impact on communities across the region.