Minister Kwame McCoy Engages Region 3 Residents, Promises Development in 2024 Budget
Human Development Local Development News

Minister Kwame McCoy Engages Region 3 Residents, Promises Development in 2024 Budget

By Samuel Gillis

Minister Kwame McCoy, from the Office of the Prime Minister, held discussions with residents of several communities in Region 3, accompanied by Regional Vice Chairman Omesh Satyanand.

During the meetings in Recht-door-zee and Lust-en-rust, Minister McCoy and Vice Chairman Satyanand listened to the concerns of residents and outlined the government’s efforts to address community needs within the broader context of national development plans.

Vice Chairman Satyanand highlighted improvements in infrastructure, noting that taxi drivers no longer complain about the condition of roads, indicating tangible progress in transportation accessibility.

Minister McCoy reiterated the government’s commitment to further development in Region 3, particularly with the implementation of the 2024 national budget.

He emphasized the importance of equitable resource allocation across the country to ensure that every community benefits from government initiatives.

In line with ongoing outreach efforts, these community meetings serve as platforms for informing citizens about government projects and development plans while soliciting feedback on areas needing improvement to enhance living conditions and livelihoods.

Minister McCoy’s engagement underscores the government’s dedication to inclusive development, prioritizing the needs and concerns of communities across Guyana.