
MARAD Seminar Highlights Importance of Port Security

MARAD hosts Port Security Seminar

The Maritime Administration Department (MARAD) recently hosted a one-week port security seminar in Georgetown, emphasizing the critical role that trained security personnel and enhanced collaboration between port authorities and law enforcement agencies play in safeguarding ports.

Captain Stephen Thomas, Director General of MARAD, stressed that protecting ports requires more than just surveillance systems and hardware.

He noted that the nature of criminal activities in the industry is constantly changing, ranging from theft to drug smuggling.

Therefore, security personnel must work closely with law enforcement agencies to combat these threats effectively.

Guyana has been collaborating with Chile to share experiences and best practices to enhance security measures at local ports.

Captain Stephen Thomas highlighted the importance of Chile’s expertise, particularly in port and maritime security, given Guyana’s extensive coastline and numerous ports.

Chilean Ambassador Francisco Sepulveda also spoke of the fruitful bilateral cooperation between the two countries, emphasizing the value of knowledge and experience-sharing for the benefit of both parties.

The Port Security Enhancement Seminar served as a crucial platform for addressing the security of maritime gateways.

It emphasized the need for proactive measures, innovative solutions, and collaboration among stakeholders to ensure the continued flow of global commerce and safeguard ports in the face of evolving security challenges.

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