Local Development News

Linden Joins Clean-up Efforts

By Shawnette Fiedtkou

In Linden, the National Clean-up Exercise garnered significant support from both the public and private sectors, marking a growing initiative according to Regional Executive Officer Dwight John.

As the morning fog enveloped Linden, community members were actively engaged in cleaning the town as part of the massive clean-up campaign under the theme “Promoting A Cleaner, Greener Guyana,” spearheaded by Dwight John.

One of the notable participants in the exercise was the “Men on a Mission” team, which included members from the police, fire service, and military, demonstrating a collective effort towards community cleanliness.

Dwight John highlighted the increasing involvement of private businesses and individuals such as Cevon’s Waste Management, BOSAI, and others in the seventh national clean-up exercise.

Community pride was evident in areas like One Mile, Half Mile, West Watooka, Riverside Drive Watooka, and Amelia’s Ward, where residents actively joined the clean-up efforts.

Special recognition was given to the Speightland Community for its active participation in such initiatives.

Central McKenzie emerged as a focal point for cleaning activities, underscoring the importance of maintaining cleanliness in urban areas.

Lindeners were encouraged to take pride in their community and to uphold cleanliness in their surroundings.

Overall, the collaborative efforts of both public and private sectors, along with the active participation of residents, underscored the commitment towards creating a cleaner and greener environment in Linden.

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