Human Development News

Linden Hospital Complex Holds First Blood Drive of 2024

The Linden Hospital Complex (LHC) organized its initial blood drive for the year at the hospital’s reception area, underscoring its commitment to maintaining a consistent supply of blood for patients in need.

The hospital, with a pledge to conduct monthly blood drives, hosted the event to encourage more individuals to contribute to this vital cause.

Blood donor attendant Cassie Jordon, who facilitated the drive, emphasized the crucial importance of blood donation and underscored the critical role of blood donation in saving lives and meeting the demand for blood, especially during challenging periods.

The blood drive commenced at 9 am and continued into the afternoon, aiming to collect 10 units of blood.

Jordon assured potential donors that the donation procedure is straightforward, taking approximately 20 minutes.

To be eligible for blood donation, individuals must be 17 years or older (with 16-year-olds requiring written parental/guardian consent), weigh at least 110 pounds, maintain good health without blood-borne diseases, and willingly choose to donate.

Jordon emphasized that all blood groupings are welcomed, addressing the misconception that specific blood types are more valuable.

The LHC laboratory accepts blood donations on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm, with flexibility for those unable to adhere to the outlined schedule.

The primary objective of the blood bank is to establish a pool of regular donors, ensuring a constant and readily available blood supply for various medical needs, including pregnant mothers, accident victims, newborns, and children with health conditions.

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