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Lieutenant Colonel Sean Welcome: A ‘Silent Hero’ Laid to Rest

Lieutenant Colonel Sean Welcome, the third of the five National Heroes, was laid to rest on Friday, and Commander in Chief Dr. Irfaan Ali described him as a ‘Silent Hero’ who fought for Guyana on the frontlines in various capacities.

Born on December 24, 1975, Sean Welcome is remembered as a family man, visionary leader, educator, and patriot.

Starting his military journey in 1996, Welcome served nearly three decades in crucial positions.

He passionately advocated for nationwide reservist recruitment to enhance Guyana’s military capacity.

In addition to his professional life, Lieutenant Colonel Welcome was known as a beloved family man.

His brother, James Tappin, shared that Welcome always kept his siblings and relatives in good spirits with his jokes and stepped up when the family needed him the most.

Commander-in-Chief Dr. Irfaan Ali expressed his belief that Welcome had much more to offer, having recently submitted a strategy to enhance the Guyana Defence Force’s capacity.

The President highlighted Welcome’s significant contributions and lamented the loss.

Lieutenant Colonel Welcome held a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies and a Masters in Strategic Development Studies.

The funeral ceremony paid tribute to a man whose life embodied service, dedication, and a commitment to the well-being of his nation.

As Guyana bids farewell to this ‘Silent Hero,’ his legacy continues to inspire.

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