
Jagdeo Comments on Sugar Industry Setbacks

PPP General Secretary, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo (File photo)

General Secretary of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP), Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo, has provided insight into the ongoing challenges facing the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo), following a report ordered by President Dr. Irfaan Ali.

Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha has been tasked with compiling a report on the sugar industry’s shortfalls, which will be submitted to the President.

GuySuCo has struggled to meet its production targets this year, with the Guyana Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU) expressing concern after the corporation only achieved 39% of its expected production.

Dr. Jagdeo revealed that, according to industry management, production is expected to increase to between 60,000 and 70,000 tonnes in 2024, due to expanded cultivation efforts.

Despite these setbacks, Dr. Jagdeo highlighted the government’s efforts to revitalize the sugar industry, including enhanced cultivation practices, importing new high-yield cane varieties from Brazil and Cuba, and the ongoing mechanization of production processes.

These efforts are aimed at increasing the industry’s productivity, although challenges such as aging infrastructure and management issues persist.

Dr. Jagdeo emphasized that several sugar estates have been reopened since 2020, providing employment opportunities for thousands of workers across the country.

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