Itabac Well Commissioned, Bringing Potable Water Access to Hundreds
Human Development Local Development News

Itabac Well Commissioned, Bringing Potable Water Access to Hundreds

By Josiah Williams

In a significant development for the residents of Itabac in the North Pakaraimas region of Region 8, over 250 individuals now have access to potable water with the commissioning of a new well.

Itabac, a community nestled in the North Pakaraimas region of Region 8, has marked a milestone with the commissioning of a new well, granting its residents access to potable water for the first time.

During the commissioning ceremony, Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal, emphasized the transformative impact of the new well on the lives of Itabac residents.

He highlighted that this essential infrastructure eliminates the need for residents to rely solely on rainfall and distant rivers for their water supply.

Minister Croal underscored the government’s commitment to enhancing water accessibility in hinterland communities, revealing that the $47 million investment in the Itabac well is part of a broader initiative to achieve 100% water access in the hinterland by 2025.

The newly commissioned well, equipped with storage tanks and powered by a Photovoltaic pumping system, will benefit approximately 250 residents.

Minister Croal emphasized that similar investments have been made across the country to provide indigenous communities with access to this basic necessity.

In addition to the Itabac well, Minister Croal also commissioned wells in Sandhill and Kamana, further expanding water accessibility in the region.

The commissioning of the Itabac well signifies a significant step towards improving the quality of life for residents in this remote community, ensuring access to clean and reliable water sources.

This report highlights the inauguration of the Itabac well, symbolizing progress towards achieving equitable access to potable water in Guyana’s hinterland regions.