Human Development News

Importance of Hearing Loss Prevention Highlighted During Rehab Week

Audiological practitioner, Donalda Benn

By Fabiana McKlmon

As Guyana observes Rehab Week, Audiological Practitioner Donalda Benn emphasizes the critical importance of protecting one’s hearing, a disability that can impact individuals across all ages and backgrounds.

Hearing loss can stem from various factors, with age and exposure to loud noise being the most common culprits.

Signs of hearing loss include frequently increasing the volume of electronic devices, difficulty following conversations, or feeling isolated due to communication challenges.

Benn underscored the everyday activities that can pose risks to hearing, such as improper earwax removal using cotton swabs.

She cautioned that such practices can inadvertently lead to ear perforations, potentially resulting in permanent hearing impairment.

In her reflections, Benn highlighted the profound impact of hearing loss on individuals, noting how it can lead to isolation, depression, and other psychological challenges.

She emphasized the vital role hearing plays in communication and social interaction, urging awareness and preventive measures to safeguard against this disability.

Preventive steps recommended by Benn include avoiding prolonged exposure to loud noises, maintaining proper ear hygiene without using invasive methods like cotton swabs, and refraining from smoking, which can adversely affect hearing health.

For those experiencing hearing difficulties, Benn encouraged seeking assistance from health centers across regions 2 to 10 in Guyana.

She emphasized that early detection and intervention can significantly improve outcomes for individuals affected by hearing loss.

As Rehab Week continues, the message remains clear: protecting one’s hearing is crucial for maintaining quality of life and overall well-being.

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