Hypertension Identified as Leading Health Concern in Guyana
Human Development News

Hypertension Identified as Leading Health Concern in Guyana

During a recent medical outreach hosted by Humanity First Guyana in collaboration with its USA arm, hypertension emerged as the top medical issue detected among Guyanese.

Hypertension, known as the number one risk factor for death globally, affects over 1 billion people worldwide.

In Guyana, it ranks among the leading causes of death, particularly among individuals aged 45 to 64.

The three-day medical outreach by Humanity First Guyana identified hypertension as one of the most prevalent health concerns among the hundreds of Guyanese screened.

Dr. Nadia Malik, a neurologist from Northern California representing Humanity First USA, shared insights into the common health issues encountered during the outreach.

Besides hypertension, diabetes, blindness, and orthopedic issues were also frequently observed among the screened individuals.

Dr. Malik highlighted lifestyle factors contributing to these health ailments, emphasizing the influence of Guyanese cuisine and sedentary lifestyles.

She stressed the importance of incorporating protein into meals and engaging in physical activity, especially for those with desk jobs.

Educating patients on medication compliance and lifestyle modifications emerged as crucial goals for managing these health conditions effectively.

Dr. Malik emphasized the role of doctors in empowering patients to take charge of their health through both medical treatment and self-care practices.

Humanity First, an international organization with branches in 60 countries, focuses on providing medical aid tailored to each country’s needs.

In Guyana, the local arm of the organization has been actively serving since 2005, addressing various health challenges in the community.

As hypertension and other health issues continue to impact Guyanese individuals, initiatives like the medical outreach by Humanity First play a vital role in raising awareness, providing screening services, and promoting proactive health management.

By Delicia Janneire