Local Development News

Health Post and Sanitary Block Commissioned in Meriwau Village

Minister of Health, Dr. Frank Anthony

The community of Meriwau Village in Region Nine is set to witness a significant enhancement in its healthcare services with the commissioning of a new health post and a state-of-the-art sanitary block. This development marks a pivotal step towards elevating the quality of healthcare available to the residents.

Last year, with an initial funding of $4 million, substantial upgrades were made to the facility, including the roof and the building itself. This year, an additional $5 million was allocated, enabling the installation of a modern sanitary block and a hybrid solar system.

The funding for these crucial upgrades was drawn from the community’s own budgetary provision of $100 million, allocated by the government.

Health Minister Dr. Frank Anthony emphasized that the community will soon have access to an expanded range of medical equipment and programs, aligning their healthcare offerings with those of regional facilities.

Dr. Anthony further urged the community to identify individuals, particularly young members, for enrollment in various programs currently offered by the ministry. These include community health worker and pharmacy assistance programs, among others.

He highlighted that increasing the human resource capacity within the community will be instrumental in maintaining and effectively utilizing these facilities.

The commissioning of the health post and sanitary block marks a significant milestone in the journey towards improved healthcare access for Meriwau Village and surrounding areas.

Reporter: Trichell Sobers, NCN News

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