GuySuCo to Convert 5,555 Hectares for Mechanical Harvesting
Local Development Low Carbon Development News

GuySuCo to Convert 5,555 Hectares for Mechanical Harvesting

By Royan Abrams

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) has embarked on an ambitious project to convert 5,555 hectares of land to accommodate mechanical harvesting, marking a significant step forward for the sugar industry.

Under the strategic plan of GuySuCo, the corporation aims to develop these lands in the fastest possible time, with the potential to increase production across the sugar belt by 66 percent.

CEO of GuySuCo, Sasenarine Singh, revealed that over the past 18 years, only about 1,500 hectares of land were converted.

Recognizing the constraints faced by the sugar corporation, Singh announced the partnership with the private sector to achieve this goal.

Already, 12 private sector contractors have been engaged across all the estates to facilitate the conversion process.

Singh emphasized the urgency of the initiative, particularly at the Albion estate, which covers 9,616 hectares.

The aim is to ensure that every inch of the estate is either planted with cane or in the process of redevelopment for planting.

In addition to expanding cultivation areas, efforts are being made to enhance cane production yields.

To achieve this, cane varieties from Brazil will be introduced, starting with the Albion estate.

Ravindra Persaud, Head of the Agriculture Research Center, highlighted the potential of these Brazilian varieties to significantly increase local production.

Presently, two cane varieties, RB975242 and RB867151, are being imported into Guyana, totaling 200 metric tonnes.

These imported canes will be used to cultivate 30 hectares of land locally, contributing to the revitalization of the sugar industry.

The conversion of lands for mechanical harvesting represents a pivotal moment for GuySuCo, signaling a renewed focus on efficiency and productivity in the sugar sector.