Local Development News

GuySuCo on Course to Meet 2nd Crop Sugar Production Target

GuySuCo on track to reach the production target.

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuco) is making commendable progress towards achieving its overall production target for the 2nd Crop. The corporation’s consistent surpassing of weekly targets at all three grinding estates has positioned them optimally for this significant achievement.

Operational interventions, combined with favorable weather conditions, have played a pivotal role in this notable production performance, as reported by GuySuCo.

With approximately nine weeks remaining in this cropping season, the corporation is buoyantly optimistic about the continued strong performance of all estates, owing to the favorable weather conditions.

The first half of this year has witnessed an impressive 30.1% growth in sugar production. This trend is poised to gain further momentum with the anticipated reopening of the Rosehall estate later this month.

President of Guyana, H.E. Dr. Mohamed Irfaan Ali, emphasized that the expansion of the sugar industry is not only enhancing the livelihoods of sugar workers but also positively impacting the broader economy.

The overall production target set for 2023 is an ambitious 60,858 Metric tonnes.

In a move aimed at scientific advancement, the government is engaging three foreign partners – India, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic. This collaboration seeks to obtain the necessary scientific assistance for determining the most suitable variety of sugarcane for local cultivation.

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