Low Carbon Development News

GuySuCo Gears Up for Increased Sugar Production in 2024

Guysuco preparing for increased production.

The Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) is actively preparing for a robust year of sugar production in 2024, with a focus on enhancing efficiency and cultivation. J

As part of a public-private sector partnership, GuySuCo has cleared approximately 750 hectares of land for sugarcane cultivation across all four estates.

CEO Sasenarine Singh shared with NCN news that they anticipate increased cultivation and production within the next 12 months.

Singh stated, “The objective is to get about 2000 hectares, which is all framed within the available financing but as of now it’s between 2000- 2500 hectares.”

He highlighted that Rose Hall estate, reopened in September for a six-week trial, is expected to contribute significantly to the overall production.

In the coming year, Rose Hall will operate for a full year, becoming an equal member of the sugar fraternity in terms of grinding sugar.

Singh noted that the production targets and achievements for 2023 would be announced by Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha early in the new year.

The Rose Hall estate, closed in 2017 but not decommissioned, underwent extensive rehabilitation.

The mechanical reliability study confirmed its efficiency, making it the most effective of the four factories.

The impact of reopening Rose Hall has been substantial, with over 1400 persons hired in the local area, benefiting 1400 families.

The government allocated over 1.1 billion dollars in the 2023 budget for the estate’s reopening and an additional 1.5 billion dollars in supplementary funding for the rehabilitation of lands at Albion, Blairmont, Rose Hall, and Uitvlugt estates.

GuySuCo’s proactive measures and focus on efficiency signal positive strides in revitalizing the sugar industry in Guyana.

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