Human Development News

Guysuco Apprenticeship Program Graduates 20 Skilled Workers

20 graduate from the Guysuco Training center Apprenticeship program (Photo: Ministry of Agriculture)

Twenty individuals have successfully completed the Guysuco’s Apprenticeship Program, equipping them with essential skills for skilled and supervisory roles within the organization.

The recent 61st Apprenticeship Graduation ceremony celebrated their achievements despite the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The rigorous four-year program covers basic engineering principles, specialization in fitting and machining, and the operation of equipment installed in Guysuco’s factories.

Jainarine Sookpaul, Manager of the Guysuco Training Center, highlighted the significance of Port Mourant becoming the country’s training hub, signaling a promising future for skill development in the region.

Agriculture Minister Zulfikar Mustapha commended the program’s excellence, noting its 100% pass rate, and encouraged graduates to continue enhancing their qualifications.

He emphasized the importance of ongoing learning and professional development in advancing careers within Guysuco and the broader agricultural sector.

In addition to the apprenticeship program, eighteen Guysuco workers were recognized for completing a two-year Adult Sugar Boiling training program, further enriching the pool of skilled workers in the sugar industry.

This graduation marks a significant milestone in Guysuco’s commitment to nurturing local talent and building a skilled workforce to drive innovation and growth in the sugar sector and beyond.

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