Guyanese Parliament Unites Against Venezuela’s Essequibo Claim
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Guyanese Parliament Unites Against Venezuela’s Essequibo Claim

In an extraordinary sitting of the National Assembly, Guyanese politicians, diplomats, and citizens united in a resolute motion affirming the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Guyana, while strongly denouncing Venezuela’s claim to the Essequibo region.

During the special sitting of the National Assembly, politicians, diplomats, and concerned citizens gathered to express solidarity and condemn Venezuela’s scheduled unlawful referendum on December 3.

The motion, reaffirming recognition of the 1899 Arbitral Award and the 1966 Geneva Agreement, was passionately presented by Foreign Affairs Minister Hugh Todd.

Minister Todd emphasized that Venezuela’s referendum is contemptuous of the legal proceedings before the International Court of Justice, and he reminded the assembly that Latin America is a zone of peace, with Venezuela’s expansionist agenda posing a threat to regional stability.

The motion received unanimous support, with members of the Opposition expressing their solidarity.

The extraordinary sitting was convened in response to the threats from Venezuela and aimed to reaffirm Guyana’s commitment to respecting international law.

Multiple speakers highlighted that Venezuela has yet to provide any evidence supporting its longstanding claim to more than half of Guyana’s territory.

This resolute display of unity serves as a testament to Guyana’s commitment to protecting its sovereignty and territorial integrity in the face of external threats.

Reported by Josiah Williams for NCN News