Guyanese Citizens Share Views on Venezuela-Guyana Border Controversy

Guyanese Citizens Share Views on Venezuela-Guyana Border Controversy

As tensions rise in the midst of the Guyana-Venezuela border controversy, citizens of Georgetown, the capital of Guyana, express their thoughts on the matter. NCN News conducted a vox pop, capturing the sentiments of the people amidst the heightened situation.

Several Guyanese citizens reiterated their steadfast belief that Essequibo belongs to Guyana.

One vendor, Aunty Davie, emphatically stated, “They can’t get nothing, Venezuela can’t get nothing, nothing belongs to them, not a blade of grass.”

Another citizen, Ms. Marrie, questioned the sudden change in behavior, referring to Venezuela’s actions and describing Maduro as playing the role of a bully.

Reflecting on the atmosphere in the city, individuals shared their concerns and hopes for a peaceful resolution.

A clothes vendor expressed tension in the air but emphasized being a God-fearing person, hoping that nothing untoward would happen.

Odingo Green, a citizen, expressed confidence in the government’s diplomatic approach, stating, “If the Government says that it is dealt with diplomatically, we should be satisfied.

And most importantly, we have God in our corner, so Guyanese ain’t worried about anything.”

The government has assured Guyanese of efforts to guarantee their protection and safety amid the escalating situation.

Guyana is committed to pursuing a peaceful resolution to the border controversy, emphasizing the potential threat to regional peace and security if any acts of aggression are taken.

As the nation navigates through this critical juncture, the voices of its citizens reflect a collective hope for a peaceful and diplomatic resolution to the ongoing border dispute with Venezuela.