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Guyana’s Health Sector Receives $129.8 Billion Boost in 2024 Budget

Guyana’s National Budget 2024

In a significant move to bolster the nation’s healthcare infrastructure, Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh has announced a substantial injection of $129.8 billion into Guyana’s health sector for the year 2024.

This allocation marks a noteworthy increase of $38.9 billion compared to the previous year’s budget.

The extensive funding is poised to enhance both the accessibility and quality of healthcare services across the country.

Minister Dr. Ashni Singh highlighted the allocation of $10.3 billion to sustain the ongoing construction of a world-class pediatric and maternal hospital in Ogle, East Coast Demerara.

Simultaneously, a budget of $5 billion has been earmarked for retrofitting various health centers, health posts, and other healthcare facilities throughout the nation.

Ground has been broken for a new hospital in New Amsterdam, with an allocated budget of $6.2 billion, and the construction of six additional hospitals is underway, with a substantial budget of $15.5 billion for the year 2024.

These new facilities are planned for locations such as Bartica and Suddie, with an additional allocation of $10 million.

Further allocations include the construction and upgrade of hospitals in Kamarang, Kato, Moruca, and Lethem, with a budget of $1.5 billion for 2024.

Minister Singh emphasized a strategic approach to combat chronic diseases, with a dedicated intervention budget of $3.8 billion to enhance capabilities for detecting cervical cancer.

Non-communicable disease screening will witness a significant increase, targeting over 70,000 individuals in 2024, compared to 54,000 in the preceding year.

A mobile app will be introduced to monitor patients’ nutrition, exercise, and lifestyles.

To address human resource capacity, the number of doctors and nurses enrolled in the Cuban Medical Brigade program is set to rise from 192 in 2023 to a projected 500 in 2024.

Additionally, a cohort of over 3,500 students will be trained as pharmacy assistants.

This substantial budget for the health sector underscores the government’s commitment to fortifying and transforming Guyana’s healthcare system into one that meets world-class standards.

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