Guyana Water Incorporated Observes World Water Day with Walkathon

Guyana Water Incorporated Observes World Water Day with Walkathon

By Saskia Warrick

In commemoration of World Water Day 2024, the Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) organized a walkathon starting from the Kitty seawall roundabout and concluding at the Shelterbelt compound.

This year’s theme, ‘Leveraging water for Peace,’ underscores the crucial role water plays in fostering stability and prosperity globally.

Minister Susan Rodrigues, within the Ministry of Housing and Water, emphasized the significance of water conservation and urged the public to recognize the value of this precious resource.

Despite Guyana’s abundance of water, access to treated water remains a priority.

Minister Rodrigues assured that efforts are underway to expand the coverage of treated water to citizens nationwide.

Shaik Baksh, CEO of GWI, addressed the challenges posed by climate change, highlighting the resilience of the wells being drilled by GWI.

Despite climate-related obstacles, GWI continues its commitment to providing reliable water access to communities across Guyana.

World Water Day, designated by the United Nations General Assembly, is observed annually on March 22nd to raise awareness about the importance of freshwater and advocate for sustainable freshwater management.

The walkathon organized by GWI symbolizes the collective effort to promote water conservation, ensure equitable access to clean water, and contribute to the global goal of water security and peace.