“Guyana Together” Campaign Aims to Foster LGBT+ Acceptance
News One Guyana

“Guyana Together” Campaign Aims to Foster LGBT+ Acceptance

In a groundbreaking move, the LGBTQ community in Guyana, in partnership with the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) and other businesses, has launched the “Guyana Together” campaign. The initiative seeks to reshape attitudes and perceptions within the “moveable middle,” a sector of the population not entirely supportive of LGBTQ lifestyle choices.

The campaign’s inaugural phase is slated to span two years. Joel Simpson, President of the Society Against Sexual Orientation Discrimination (SASOD), emphasized that the initial focus will be on sensitization. This will be achieved through diverse programs, including television broadcasts featuring real-life accounts of community members. Simpson believes that these narratives will ignite a nationwide conversation, propelling acceptance and respect for LGBTQ individuals in Guyana.

The campaign targets individuals whose viewpoints may shift upon being provided sufficient information about the contributions of LGBTQ members to society. Kerensa Gravesande-Bart, GCCI representative and Chair of the Membership and Diversity Committee, lauded the campaign, affirming the organization’s full support. She expressed confidence that the initiative aligns seamlessly with the GCCI’s own vision for a more inclusive future.

SASOD’s research indicates a positive uptick in acceptance levels for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals in Guyana. Remarkably, a total of 63 businesses have endorsed the “Guyana Together” campaign, underscoring the widespread commitment to fostering a more inclusive and accepting society.

This campaign represents a pivotal stride towards engendering a society in which all individuals are valued and embraced for their authentic selves.