Low Carbon Development News

Guyana Prepares Protocols for Black Belly Sheep Program

A significant milestone is on the horizon for Guyana’s agricultural landscape as the Guyana Livestock Development Authority finalizes protocols for the rollout of the Black Belly Sheep program.

Agriculture Minister, Hon. Zulfikar Mustapha, shared the latest update on this initiative and explained that anticipation is building, with 300 additional sheep recently arriving in Guyana.

The program will kick off in Region Five before extending its reach across the country.

However, certain protocols must be established before farmers can start receiving these livestock.

Minister Mustapha emphasized the importance of developing these protocols to ensure the program’s success.

Already, numerous farmers have registered for the program, and the Guyana Livestock Development Authority is in the final stages of preparation for the sheep’s distribution.

This Caribbean-branded initiative is poised to replace New Zealand and Australian lamb in both local and regional markets.

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