
Guyana Collaborates with Cuba to Boost Local Honey Industry

The Guyana government has embarked on a partnership with Cuba to advance the local honey industry. President Dr. Irfaan Ali confirmed that an agreement has been finalized to this effect.

Cuba is renowned for its significant honey production, and Guyana aims to tap into the expertise of this island-nation to enhance honey production domestically. The global honey market is projected to witness substantial growth, with an anticipated compound annual growth rate of 5.2 percent from 2022 to 2030. Given this potential, expanding Guyana’s honey industry is a key priority for agricultural development.

President Ali envisions the establishment of a shared organic brand as a central objective of this collaboration.

The President further highlighted that, within the national budget allocation for Hinterland Agriculture, the honey industry stands as one of the focal areas of emphasis.

President Ali also expressed optimism that Trinidad and Tobago will address the longstanding issue of honey exportation that has affected both Guyana and Grenada. This concern has been a subject of discussion within the Caribbean Community for several years.

This collaboration with Cuba represents a significant stride toward fortifying Guyana’s position in the honey industry, ultimately contributing to the country’s economic and agricultural progress.

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