Guyana Celebrates Democracy Day – October 5, 1992

Guyana Celebrates Democracy Day – October 5, 1992

Executive Member of the PPP and senior government minister, Gail Texeira, emphasized the monumental significance of October 5, 1992, in Guyana’s history.

This date, known as “Democracy Day,” marks a pivotal moment that brought Guyana out of a period of darkness and into a new era of governance.

Speaking in a panel discussion on the importance of the 1992 elections, Texeira highlighted how this electoral event signified a turning point for the nation.

The 1992 elections returned the PPP to power after 28 years in opposition.

Subsequently, the party embarked on the formidable task of revitalizing a nation that had languished in various ways.

Anil Nandlall, PPP Executive, pointed out that the absence of democracy had led to severe consequences, including social decline, economic stagnation, and financial distress.

The return to democratic governance was not merely a political shift but a crucial step towards rebuilding the nation.

Clement Rohee, former minister and party executive, echoed these sentiments.

By 1992, Guyanese had been scattered across the region and beyond, gaining a reputation as refugees.

Despite this challenging circumstance, the internal efforts to reinstate democracy persisted and eventually garnered international recognition and support.

This day serves as a reminder of the enduring spirit of the Guyanese people in their pursuit of democratic values and their collective endeavor to rebuild the nation.