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Guyana and Venezuela Forge Path to Peace: Joint Declaration of Argyle

In a historic move towards peace and diplomatic resolution, Guyana and Venezuela have jointly agreed on the “Joint Declaration of Argyle.”

Prime Minister Dr. Ralph Gonsalves of St. Vincent and the Grenadines announced the agreement, outlining eleven pivotal steps to deescalate tensions and promote dialogue between the two nations.

The first critical commitment is the removal of the use or threat of force, emphasizing a peaceful approach to resolving the longstanding border controversy.

Both nations vow to refrain, whether through words or deeds, from escalating the dispute, fostering an environment conducive to diplomatic solutions.

Crucially, the declaration underscores the commitment to resolving the controversy in accordance with international law, including the Geneva Agreement dated February 17, 1966.

While Guyana maintains its dedication to pursuing resolution at the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the agreement recognizes Venezuela’s disapproval of this legal process.

To facilitate ongoing dialogue and address matters of mutual importance, both countries commit to establishing a joint commission.

Comprising Foreign Ministers and technical experts, this commission will provide regular updates to the Presidents of Guyana and Venezuela within three months.

Continued dialogue on pending matters remains a key focus, with both nations expressing a commitment to comprehensive dispute resolution.

Additionally, in the event of any incident, the two states pledge to communicate promptly with each other, CARICOM, the Community of Latin America and the Caribbean (CELAC), and the President of Brazil.

This communication aims to contain, reverse, and prevent the recurrence of incidents.

Looking ahead, both Guyana and Venezuela agree to meet again in Brazil within the next three months or at another agreed time to address any matter with implications for the border controversy.

The Joint Declaration of Argyle concludes with expressions of gratitude from both nations for the collaborative efforts in bringing them together.

Special thanks are extended to the people of St. Vincent and the Grenadines for hosting this historic meeting.

This declaration marks a significant diplomatic milestone, providing a framework for peaceful dialogue and cooperation between Guyana and Venezuela.

It is a testament to the commitment of both nations to seek diplomatic solutions and build a foundation for lasting peace.

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