
GTU-Ministry of Education Talks Deadlocked as Union Walks Out

Representatives of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) at the Ministry of Education’s Brickdam, Georgetown office for continued talks (Photo: News Room Guyana)

By Nakasia Logan

The latest round of discussions between the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) and the Ministry of Education has ended without resolution, as the GTU representatives walked out of the meeting.

According to a statement from the Education Ministry, Permanent Secretary Shannielle Hoosein-Outar, who chaired the meeting, emphasized the financial constraints regarding retroactive payments for the period of 2019-2023.

The Ministry explained that the 2024 budget does not accommodate these expenses and encouraged the GTU to propose a multiyear agreement beginning in 2024.

However, the GTU insisted on focusing solely on salary matters for the years 2019 to 2023, rejecting discussions on the other 25 identified topics for negotiation.

This disagreement resulted in a stalemate, prompting the GTU representatives to leave the meeting.

The Ministry underscored that teachers had already received salary increases, adjustments based on qualifications, and corrections of salary errors during the specified period.

Additionally, various initiatives had been implemented nationwide to enhance teachers’ welfare and income.

Despite the deadlock, the Ministry reaffirmed its commitment to continued dialogue with the GTU.

They highlighted the positive outcomes of previous discussions, emphasizing the benefits for teachers, students, and the education system.

It’s worth noting that this meeting was part of the ongoing collective bargaining process, which had been interrupted by a strike action in February.

Discussions resumed last week following a mediation agreement.

Representatives at the meeting included Permanent Secretary Shannielle Hoosein-Outar and Chief Education Officer Saddam Hussain from the Ministry of Education, alongside GTU President Mark Lyte and General Secretary Coretta McDonald from the GTU.

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