Gov’t Sets the Record Straight on Bauxite Mining in Guyana
Human Development News

Gov’t Sets the Record Straight on Bauxite Mining in Guyana

President Dr. Irfaan Ali and Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh have addressed opposition claims and set the record straight on the government’s handling of the sugar and bauxite industries in Guyana.

President Ali emphasized that the opposition’s narrative aiming to reset historical facts would not be allowed.

Historically, Guyana’s politics has often aligned the sugar and bauxite industries along ethnic and party lines.

President Ali debunked claims that the PPP supports sugar over bauxite, presenting data that showed bauxite was on the verge of collapse twice – pre-1992 and post-2014.

Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh recalled the PNC’s pre-1992 claim that the PPP would close the bauxite industry if in power.

Contrary to this, the industry thrived after the PPP assumed office in 1992.

Under the APNU/AFC from 2015 to 2020, bauxite faced another decline, with hundreds losing jobs and Rusal closing operations.

Dr. Singh highlighted that since 2020, the PPP/C government has been rebuilding the industry, attracting investments and creating a favorable environment.

Conversations are ongoing about other bauxite-producing locations in Guyana, with potential prospects for the production of alumina.

President Ali emphasized the importance of sustaining both bauxite and sugar, considering their integral role in community development and the economy.

President Ali stressed that these industries should not be used as political tools and must benefit from the right policies and investments.

The government’s guiding philosophy is to ensure the sustainable development of these sectors for the benefit of communities, regions, and the overall economy.

The issues were addressed on Monday night, providing clarity on the government’s stance on bauxite mining and dispelling opposition claims.