Human Development News

Government’s Extensive Investment in Water Sector Aims for Widespread Coverage

Minister of Housing and Water, Collin Croal

In a recent update, the Ministry of Housing and Water revealed its substantial investments in the water sector, with ambitious goals for expanded coverage across Guyana.

The primary objectives include reaching 90% coverage on the coast and achieving 100% coverage in the hinterland regions by the year 2025.

Over the past three years, the government has committed over $26 billion to address the critical needs of the water sector.

Minister Collin Croal emphasized that this substantial investment, a 234% increase over the previous five years, aligns with the government’s strategic plan for the water sector.

One of the key aims of this investment is to reduce non-revenue water, tackle quality issues, and enhance water infrastructure to meet the growing demand.

Minister Croal highlighted ongoing efforts, such as the construction of seven treatment plants and the tendering of five additional plants.

The goal is to achieve a minimum of 90% coverage for treated water by 2025.

Addressing non-revenue water involves the removal or replacement of aging pipe systems, a crucial step in improving the efficiency and sustainability of the water supply.

The Minister pointed out the visible changes that residents in Georgetown can expect as part of this initiative.

Moreover, the Ministry is focusing on modernizing sewage systems to align with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number six, emphasizing clean water and sanitation.

An upcoming focus involves wastewater treatment, with plans for an updated pre-feasibility study to guide future developments.

These comprehensive efforts underscore the government’s commitment to providing reliable and quality water services to the citizens of Guyana.

The investment not only addresses immediate challenges but also contributes to poverty alleviation, unemployment reduction, and an overall enhancement of the quality of life.

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